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6 of 6 results found for - "Gene Healy"  
[Quote No.36770] Need Area: Money > Tax
"The threat of force lies behind every tax dollar the government collects." - Gene Healy
July 12, 2011
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[Quote No.31388] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Small, power-limited government versus large, power-hungry government; Politicians, propaganda and censorship, patriotism; the corrupting influence of unrestricted power:] In the '50s and '60s, high levels of political trust served as a presidential enabler, allowing unrestrained spying at home and unnecessary wars abroad. In 1971, just as Americans were beginning to wake up to the dangers of excessive trust in the federal government, the Watergate tapes captured an interesting exchange between Richard Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman. The two were debating what to do about the impending release of the Pentagon Papers, a classified history of the Vietnam War that documented a host of government lies. Haldeman warned Nixon that the release would undermine the public's belief in 'the implicit infallibility of presidents, which has been an accepted thing in America,' and reveal that 'people do things the President wants to do even though it's wrong, and the President can be wrong.' No American today could pronounce that phrase, 'the implicit infallibility of presidents,' without a smirk, and we should be very glad about that. Our Founding Fathers knew that no man [or woman] was infallible. With that insight in mind, they designed a constitution that would prevent any one man, or body of men, from seizing unchecked power. Today's politicians and pundits may lament rising political distrust, but when the voters refuse to take claims of federal benevolence on faith, they're honoring their forefathers and fulfilling their duty as citizens." - Gene Healy
a vice president at the Cato Institute and author of 'The Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power'. Quoted from the article, 'In Defense of Distrust in Government', published in the 'DC Examiner' on March 17, 2009.
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[Quote No.33674] Need Area: Friends > General
"[There is a serious danger of making bad situations worse when people rely too much on help from big governments - i.e. socialist:] It's hard to feel sorry for the 'Yes We Can' candidate, who got the job by stoking the juvenile expectation that there's a presidential [government] solution to everything from natural disasters to spiritual malaise. But the adults among us ought to worry about a political culture [voting citizens] that reacts to every difficulty by screaming 'Save us, Superpresident!' ...[Unfortunately] the unreflective cry 'Do something!' usually results in policies that follow the logic immortalized in the BBC comedy 'Yes, Minister': 'Something must be done. This is something. Therefore we must do it!' [Whether it is the right thing to do, at the right time, is not important to these foolish politicians. The citizens demand that they do something. They therefore must be seen to be doing something or they will suffer politically! If it turns out to be wrong later, as it usually does, they believe they will be able to spin the blame elsewhere and distract the public with some other crisis.]" - Gene Healy
vice president at the Cato Institute and the author of 'The Cult of the Presidency'. This quote comes from an article that appeared in 'The DC Examiner' on June 1, 2010.
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[Quote No.35192] Need Area: Friends > General
"Our [US] Constitution ...empowers Congress to set up a military establishment for 'the common defence ... of the United States,' the better to achieve the Preamble's goal of 'secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.' Armed liberation of oppressed peoples the world over wasn't part of the original mission." - Gene Healy
'Don't Beat the War Drum for Libya', March 8, 2011.
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[Quote No.35590] Need Area: Friends > General
"Again and again, just when you think you've reached maximum possible cynicism about politics, you discover that, actually, you haven't been cynical enough. It's almost always worse than you think." - Gene Healy
'Time for the U.S. to Get Out of NATO', April 26, 2011.
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[Quote No.36782] Need Area: Friends > General
"[I]s it 'isolationism' to doubt the wisdom of bombing Libya [and becoming entangled in their civil war], a country that the president’s own secretary of defense admits isn’t 'a vital interest of the United States' or to think minding your own business abroad is better than minding other peoples’ business?" - Gene Healy
'AEI on the Spectre of 'Isolationism'.', June 20, 2011.
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